Book Highlights

Hell Yeah or No! by Derek Silvers
Intuitive decision making on what's worth doing

Steve Jobs Biography by Walter Isaacson
Comprehensive biography of Steve Jobs

The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
Timeless lessons on wealth wonderfully put from a qualitative point of view

The Almanack of Naval Ravikant by Eric Jorgenson
Lessons on wealth and happiness by one of the most revered thinkers

Show Your Work by Austin Kleon
Sharing your thoughts, ideas and work with the world

Steal like an Artist by Austin Kleon
Creativity and standing on the shoulder of giants

Anything You Want by Derek Silvers
Creativity and entrepreneurship

The Third Door by Alex Banayan
Quest of a 19 year old to interview the top people in the world

Unshakeable by Tony Robbins
Investing and preparing for financial downturn

Recession-Proof by Jason Schenker
Preparing and mitigating for recessions

Learn and Earn by Kunal Sarkar
Build a skill and monetise it in the digital world

Limitless by Jim Kwik
Unleash your brain to its full potential

High Performance Entrepreneur by Subroto Bagchi - Starer startup guide for entrepreneurs